

The Voting Rights Act (VRA) is one of the most important civil rights laws in the history of our nation. It broke down barriers at the ballot box. It ensured that states with a history of discrimination couldn’t block people from exercising their right to vote. The right to vote is fundamental to our democracy […]

When the next national security crisis happens, I want our president and his security team to tap the wisdom and experience of people who have been there — people like former National Security Agency director Michael Hayden, former CIA director John Brennan, former director of national intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. and former national security adviser […]

Last month, before the Trump administration stopped forcibly separating immigrant families, I visited a detention center in Glen Burnie, Maryland. What I found there was beyond disturbing. I met two men who’d been separated from their children. One was fleeing gang violence in his native country with his 7-year-old son. They were arrested at the […]

This week we witnessed the most shameful performance by an American president I’ve ever seen. President Trump stood next to Vladimir Putin and said he did not believe Russia interfered in our elections…because Putin told him so. The CIA, FBI, NSA, among others, have shown ironclad evidence that Russia meddled in the 2016 election. 12 […]

You may have heard that embattled EPA administrator Scott Pruitt finally decided to step down. Frankly, it’s embarrassing that he was allowed to serve for so long and resign. After the abuses of his position in terms of spending, trading in favors, and trading our environmental security to big polluters, he should have been fired […]

Yesterday I visited two detainees at an ICE detention facility in Maryland. They were both fathers who had been separated from their children and neither knew where their children were or how they were doing. Heartbreaking doesn’t even begin to describe the pain I felt during our hour-long conversation. Under absolutely no circumstance should children […]

This week the House Intelligence Committee abruptly shut down its investigation of Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election. They came to the conclusion that Russia did not try and help the Trump campaign. Case closed. Except, there’s a glaring problem. The House Intelligence Committee’s findings contradict the U.S. intelligence community’s and Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s […]

The past few weeks shed some light on a disturbing issue within the White House. It turns out, the Trump administration was giving security clearances to people who were not able to obtain actual security clearances. One such interim clearance was given to Jared Kushner. Jared is the President’s top advisor and son-in-law. For 15 […]

President Trump’s disgraced former national security adviser deserves to be brought to justice. Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his conversations with Russian government officials. Let that sink in. Flynn lied to the United States government because he didn’t want to be forthright about his interactions with a foreign nation. The […]

The President of the United States, leader of the free world, needs to do better than this. President Trump’s administration is in shambles — but what’s worse, the President is not attempting to fix it. He still skirts responsibility and refuses to admit failure. He won’t even attempt to be more transparent. President Trump fired […]